Monday, February 29, 2016

A Collection of Haiku Poems

My  handwriting was terrible the day I wrote these, so I thought I would spare you and just type them for your viewing enjoyment. Haiku is my favorite form of poetry to write because it doesn't have to rhyme and there are rules for each stanza (the number of syllables). So, here goes....

Breath freezes abruptly
Across chilled lips and noses
A cold winter, now

They make me crazy!
"Have kids, it's fun.", they all said
I'm tired, and I weep

At dusk, they gather
To discuss the day's events
Murderous party

Temperature dropping
Birds from the north woods return
Sharp cold bites the toes

Rattled, labored breath
You are now gone from this Earth
Loved. Forever missed

The red flower blooms
As we've waited all winter
Spring, almost is here

Working on homework
Writing haikus in my book
Yes, for my Masters

The clang of dishes
Arguments and fighting loud

I hate when you're gone
California is stupid
Please get back here soon

We are all on phones
No one looks at each other
Technology sucks

Fourth Graders learning
Working hard with lots of noise
I SO love my job

I knew when we met
That life would be good again
So I married you twice

Happy yellow bloom
Reaching tall to the blue sky
Nice to see you, friend


Tuesday, February 16, 2016

My first attempt at writing about this.

I hope you can read it. I tried to take photos of it from my journal. If it's too hard to read, please let me know and I'll type it. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Someone asked me what the deal was with the title of my blog. It's Blog, It's Blog, It's Big, It's Heavy, It's Wood. a child of the 90's it is a reference to the ever-amazing Ren and Stimpy. For your viewing pleasure...


It was the first day of school. My teacher gave me this writing assignment: If you could have any superpower what would it be? Well, I can tell you what it would NOT be. I would not want to invisible. Who knows what people might say about me, not knowing that I am standing there. It's just like in the book Wonder by R.J. Palacio when Auggie is wearing a Halloween costume and nobody knows it is him. A kid who he thought was his friend says some pretty mean things about him, not even knowing he was listening. I would certainly not want to hear people talking about me like I'm not there.

I would also NOT want to be a shape-shifter. I would have to turn into all sorts of unpleasant things to save the day. For example, I might have to turn into a giant, gooey, green jello mold to save someone jumping out of a burning building. They would need somewhere safe to land, after all. And, what if there was a giant robot lizard taking over the city? Do you know what eats lizards? Snakes. Snakes eat lizards. I would have to turn myself into a giant snake, big enough to unhinge my jaw and swallow that giant robot lizard whole. No thank you. I.Hate.Snakes.

I would NOT want night vision. How would I be able to sleep? I would guess that night vision makes everything look brighter, even the dark. I would NOT want super-strength because my friends would always be asking me to open jars and help them move and stuff. I would NOT want be able to control the weather because I would always make it a warm, sunny, spring day. We wouldn't get enough rain and that would be bad. I would not want to be all stretchy like Elastagirl from The Incredibles movie. That just looks uncomfortable. I wouldn't want to turn all green and strong like The Hulk when I got mad. I'd ruin all my clothes. There are a lot of powers I would NOT want.

What I would want to have (if I could have any super power) would be the ability to fly. Ever since I was a little girl I have been fascinated with flying. Not on an airplane though. I hate flying on airplanes. I want to feel the wind rushing over my face, whipping though my hair, the feeling of weightlessness, as I soar over the Earth. I could fly low and let the tree tops skim my toes, or fly high and poke holes in the clouds. I guess I would be using this super power for my own fun and benefit, and not really to help people. Maybe... I am selfish.

Monday, February 1, 2016

I thought if I got a fun writing notebook, that I would be more compelled to use it. Here is what I got!