Monday, February 29, 2016

A Collection of Haiku Poems

My  handwriting was terrible the day I wrote these, so I thought I would spare you and just type them for your viewing enjoyment. Haiku is my favorite form of poetry to write because it doesn't have to rhyme and there are rules for each stanza (the number of syllables). So, here goes....

Breath freezes abruptly
Across chilled lips and noses
A cold winter, now

They make me crazy!
"Have kids, it's fun.", they all said
I'm tired, and I weep

At dusk, they gather
To discuss the day's events
Murderous party

Temperature dropping
Birds from the north woods return
Sharp cold bites the toes

Rattled, labored breath
You are now gone from this Earth
Loved. Forever missed

The red flower blooms
As we've waited all winter
Spring, almost is here

Working on homework
Writing haikus in my book
Yes, for my Masters

The clang of dishes
Arguments and fighting loud

I hate when you're gone
California is stupid
Please get back here soon

We are all on phones
No one looks at each other
Technology sucks

Fourth Graders learning
Working hard with lots of noise
I SO love my job

I knew when we met
That life would be good again
So I married you twice

Happy yellow bloom
Reaching tall to the blue sky
Nice to see you, friend



  1. I seem to write all my haikus about the weather or my kids. What are some other things you think I could write a haiku about?

  2. What about writing a Haiku about something you enjoy? Reading, shopping, watching Netflix, laying on the beach?

  3. I really liked the Haiku about marrying someone twice. That was so sweet. :)

  4. The murderous party haiku reminds me of a book I'm reading to my son called Wildwood by Colin Meloy. A child is abducted by a murder of crows and whisked away to the impassable wilderness. I like the haiku about having kids, definitely crazy makers!

  5. I was definitely noticing the weather and kids pattern. I love how there is a change in the weather through your poems, it makes me look forward to summer. I wonder if you could write about hobbies or even aspirations?

  6. Fun reading your haiku poems! I'm curious about marrying him twice???
